At Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit, we believe that wherever we are in our journey, God will meet us there! The following Spiritual Locations describe various points where we may find ourselves along our faith journey. They may appear linear at first glance, however, much like we experience life, we may experience Spiritual Locations in a way that seems more cyclical than chronological. Sometimes we may even find ourselves in more than one Spiritual Location at once.
Once a year, as a congregation we all participate in small group discussions where we reflect on our faith journeys and assess which one of these Spiritual Locations best describes our current situation. MCC Detroit ministries, programs, and activities are designed to help everyone continue on their faith journey no matter which Spiritual Location you find yourself in. As you explore our various events and programs, look for the icons below as an indicator of which Spiritual Location(s) each event best serves.
Once a year, as a congregation we all participate in small group discussions where we reflect on our faith journeys and assess which one of these Spiritual Locations best describes our current situation. MCC Detroit ministries, programs, and activities are designed to help everyone continue on their faith journey no matter which Spiritual Location you find yourself in. As you explore our various events and programs, look for the icons below as an indicator of which Spiritual Location(s) each event best serves.
Which of the following Spiritual Locations speaks to where you are right now?

SEARCHING: I'm not sure where I am or what I believe. I'm in a place of questioning my faith...
Possibly distancing yourself from faith experiences that no longer fit, or dealing with experiences which have shaken or undermined your beliefs, if you are in the SEARCHING spiritual location you are likely actively questioning the church, Christianity, and God. The SEARCHING spiritual location is all about letting go of old stuff, questioning former assumptions, beliefs or traditions, and experimenting as you sense what does and doesn't fit with who you are and what you are coming to believe at this point in your life.
Possibly distancing yourself from faith experiences that no longer fit, or dealing with experiences which have shaken or undermined your beliefs, if you are in the SEARCHING spiritual location you are likely actively questioning the church, Christianity, and God. The SEARCHING spiritual location is all about letting go of old stuff, questioning former assumptions, beliefs or traditions, and experimenting as you sense what does and doesn't fit with who you are and what you are coming to believe at this point in your life.

CHANGING: I'm experiencing transformation in my faith life. I'm in a place of new God-experience...
Possibly rediscovering longings buried long ago, or discovering whole new possibilities for a life of faith after a significant or life-changing experience, if you find yourself in the CHANGING spiritual location you are often releasing old wounds and reaching for a new way to be in relationship with God. The CHANGING spiritual location is all about beginning to move in new directions, coming to know God Differently, or coming to experience a different kind of God by exploring what it might mean for you to get up close and personal with the Holy!
Possibly rediscovering longings buried long ago, or discovering whole new possibilities for a life of faith after a significant or life-changing experience, if you find yourself in the CHANGING spiritual location you are often releasing old wounds and reaching for a new way to be in relationship with God. The CHANGING spiritual location is all about beginning to move in new directions, coming to know God Differently, or coming to experience a different kind of God by exploring what it might mean for you to get up close and personal with the Holy!

CONNECTING: I'm finding my faith in community. I'm in a place of exploring my spirituality with others...
Possibly alight or "on fire" with new or renewed excitement in your faith journey, or interested in becoming more fully part of a faith community, if you find yourself in the CONNECTING spiritual location you are likely experiencing a strong desire to share your faith-life in relationship with others. The CONNECTING spiritual location is all about small groups "praying and playing" together, learning and deepening your relationship with God and each other, and finding your place in a family of faith.
Possibly alight or "on fire" with new or renewed excitement in your faith journey, or interested in becoming more fully part of a faith community, if you find yourself in the CONNECTING spiritual location you are likely experiencing a strong desire to share your faith-life in relationship with others. The CONNECTING spiritual location is all about small groups "praying and playing" together, learning and deepening your relationship with God and each other, and finding your place in a family of faith.

LISTENING: I'm quieting my life to hear God's voice. I'm in a place of inner spiritual attentiveness...
Possibly responding to a challenging or renewed sense of Presence in your life, or a restlessness for more intimacy with God and more authenticity within yourself, if you find yourself in the LISTENING spiritual location you likely desire greater depth, simplicity, and clarity in your spiritual life. The LISTENING spiritual location is all about hearing the "still, small voice" within - be it through creativity or contemplation, daily activities, or ancient disciplines - you are inviting Spirit to speak in your life!
Possibly responding to a challenging or renewed sense of Presence in your life, or a restlessness for more intimacy with God and more authenticity within yourself, if you find yourself in the LISTENING spiritual location you likely desire greater depth, simplicity, and clarity in your spiritual life. The LISTENING spiritual location is all about hearing the "still, small voice" within - be it through creativity or contemplation, daily activities, or ancient disciplines - you are inviting Spirit to speak in your life!

SERVING: I'm feeling the need to give of myself. I'm in a place of living my faith in caring for others...
Possibly inspired by gratitude, compassion or justice-seeking, or by a desire to "get out of yourself" by giving to those in need, if you find yourself in the SERVING spiritual location you are often sensing a need to use your gifts to care for others. The SERVING spiritual location is all about becoming God's hands, feet, and voice through ministry, activism, service, and opening your life to discover the Holy most vividly in yourself and others through service - the heart of faith!
Possibly inspired by gratitude, compassion or justice-seeking, or by a desire to "get out of yourself" by giving to those in need, if you find yourself in the SERVING spiritual location you are often sensing a need to use your gifts to care for others. The SERVING spiritual location is all about becoming God's hands, feet, and voice through ministry, activism, service, and opening your life to discover the Holy most vividly in yourself and others through service - the heart of faith!

PREPARING: I'm deepening my faith journey. I'm in a place of responsiveness to God's call in my life...
Possibly desiring to personally engage with sacred texts, expand your understanding of theological ideas, or to commit more deeply to prayer life and spiritual practices, if you find yourself in the PREPARING spiritual location you are often seeking spiritual growth in such things as meaningful discipleship or servant leadership. The PREPARING spiritual location is all about readiness to live out God's call and your passion by engaging and strengthening the foundations of your living faith and preparing yourself for ministry leadership with others!
Possibly desiring to personally engage with sacred texts, expand your understanding of theological ideas, or to commit more deeply to prayer life and spiritual practices, if you find yourself in the PREPARING spiritual location you are often seeking spiritual growth in such things as meaningful discipleship or servant leadership. The PREPARING spiritual location is all about readiness to live out God's call and your passion by engaging and strengthening the foundations of your living faith and preparing yourself for ministry leadership with others!